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Monday, September 21, 2009



Hello LORD!  How Grateful am I that YOUR JOY Raises me up...

Your Graces New & Fresh Each Morning and Each Time I call out Your Name... From My Mouth!!

When I speak Your Words from my lips...

You Annoint them with oil...  Oil of Your Power and Might to change all things for me...

And You are no respector of persons but Faith of only a grain of a mustard seed.... YIPEEE!!

That's all it takes...  to Ask you with Faith and confidence of a child who would ask Mommy or Daddy for a piece of bread... or
   An egg...   or just a Dime!
Knowing she or he will receive that which was asked for or better...

But never a frog or a mouse instead of a house...  or a scorpian instead of an egg!!

She may play Mr. & Mrs Potatoe head... dressing up for an egg-rolling contest!

But make believe and reality never need to be seperated...

For GOD's Heart aches to give us Infinately more than we can ask think dream or imagine!!!

So whether they are childood or adulthood fantacies...  They can become Reality when we Boldly go before His throne Asking expectantly!
And God Himself will roll around laughing for JOY with you!  Happier even than you are to receive...  He is to Bless you & me!!
Amem Amen Amen!!!

Let His Joy Rise with You Too Each Mornin...  Call His Name is All You need to do!
EstherStephanada Can & You Can Too!