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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

When Da Blues Try to Come Over You...Choose to Sing a Higher Note...

We can all find something to complain about...that takes no effort at all...but will cause you to fall....and maybe...

               Just maybe... you might not be able to get up!

The better way is to stand on HIS Word For HIS Righteous ones shall never slip fall or fail at all...

And when they are pushed down HE sends HIS Angels to catch them...

We have been very lonely since leaving Louisiana and coming to North has been rare to find even one soul to genuinely return our bright SonShiney smiles...

Most have an attitude!  And it's not grattitude!!!

Though because my darling personal elder in heaven's Billy-Jacob and I both refuse to join in with the drumdy drum glum group...

But have chosen to keep right on singin and a smiling!

GOD has rewarded us finally with some new SonShiney smiling faces at the Cabarrus Senior Center each weekday at Senior Lunch....

Today they had a beach party far from shore not any sand or water but we made waves when we took to the dance floor...and my precious one led me around a jitterbugging and a cha cha chain...

Put smiles on faces who may not have smiled in years... It is each one's choice to be blue or cheer!

HE is raising us without fuss and HE will you too....Keep on smiling and you'll keep rising and Da blues will never come to you!!!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Regardless How Difficult Others in Our Lives Can Be...By Our Own Choices We Need Not Let Them Drag Us With Them!

Whether your weather be HOT Bright and sunny...whether your friends, brothers...father or mother...
Choose to be judgemental...
If your neighbors on either side of you like your family criticize you...

Most often it is because they are jealous and angry that you have made better lifestyle choices!

They most likely will never admit it since doing so... They must admit they made poor choices previously.

Weird how some will remain living within the boundaries that their bad choices have bound them into.
Instead of laying down the past and making new and better choices...possibly embracing the choices they see you or I  have chosen.

Why you may ask?  The answer simple...not many will humble themselves and admit you or I chose better!

Some will arrogantly remain standing within their own past choices....while waters rise around them and sickness haunts them...they will never see had they chosen differently...

Had they been genuinely generous and loving....had they loved freely and joyfully... not begrudgingly...

Had they never tried to manipulate but used their gifts to be a blessing to all whom they are in relationship with;
Then they would be re-filled and would not want for anything...

HIS Joy would raise them over and over again daily...!