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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Regardless what Life or The Evil One Dishes Your Way...

When you keep on singing new songs of praise to HIM even in the midst of trails of trials and tribulations which for HIS Righteousness are many...

HIS Joy will raise you daily as HE delivers you from them all, and
You will never slip fall or fail for HE will carry you along and high above the snares the devil lays.

And HE will entrap the wicked with their own devices they target your way.

So fret not, and when you see a so called prayer warrior of GOD who works all day in HIS Church whether cleaning or playing songs...

Who in their every day life speak sharp ridicule even as a defense mechanism....
One who lives With Him, In Him, and Through Him always will never defend Him or Herself.

For The Truth sets all free by simply being.

Yes many are falsely accused.   Many have false testimony spoken against them.

Many suffer for HIS righteousness sake, even wrongly in prisoned even today.

Just as HE was falsely accused even put to death on a cross meant to punish wicked sinners even murderers...thus not one man, woman or child need be lost due to their own poor choices.

So today, if you have made poor choices or no someone who did you can help them learn a trade and be given a second chance at to be a productive law abiding citizen by donating to The Carpenter's Friend,                            a 501(C)(3) Non-Profit Public Charity who implements Carpentry Prison Vocational Programs within male facilities across The United States. 

Go to  and  and see how we are working and what your donations will provide.